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The Ramen Master

Before coming to Tokyo Shimpei had mentioned a new Ramen place had opened about a block away from his station and it was really good taste. We headed off for dinner with the typical Japanese style directions, "from the station cross the tracks, then walk to the 7-11 and hang a left and after a bit you'll know when your there". It was very easy to find with a long line of people and a simple sign "eat ramen here".

The place is called Ivan Ramen, and it is really great Ramen. Miki proclaimed the the Shio (Salt flavored) was the best she had ever had and actually finished the whole bowl. For some strange reason and a first for this trip I didn't order the spicy Ramen and had the Roasted Garlic Chashu Ramen it was totally amazing, the Chashu (Roasted Pork) was very tender and passed Nagasaka's Chashu test with flying colors as it was about half an inch thick and stood on end very nicely.
Ivan is a chef raised in New York and had worked all over place. He followed the dream of making the perfect Ramen with quality ingredients, a great relation with his guests and staff in a good atmosphere. We will be headed back in the next few days and I will get the spicy ramen this time.
If you ever get over to the Rokakouen area in Tokyo eat some ramen there. You can get more information from Ivan's web page at http://ivanramen.com and his story about why at http://www.ivanramen.com/story1.html ~Keath

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