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We survived the transition, Just...

It has been an insane few months. We have not had the time or energy to update this blog till now.

Let me start by confirming that Miki and I are both alive, we had a few close calls in the last few months, but we are just now getting to the point that we have had a few days to collect ourselves. Today for the first time in months we woke a little late, made coffee, baked some muffins and just took a breath.

Well, we sold the RV and have switched to a sailboat! Project "Wheels to Keels" actually happened after ten years of planning, working with a singular end goal and a few side paths called life.

So, let us introduce you to S/V GlobalHopper our new home on the waters of the world. She is a 46 foot French catamaran, even came with the prerequisite escargot tongs.

In the last few months both of us almost died, sailed the boat more then 1400nm from the Caribbean to Florida, lost Kodiak the most awesome dog, drove a trailer with all we own from California to Florida and did time in the boatyard. Needless to say it has been a little overwhelming.

I'll be working on back filling the blog and documenting what happened.


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